800 Repair

Swimming Pool Repair Dubai

Tips for First-Time Pool Owners

A Complete Guide for Beginners to Maintain a Pool

Tips for First-Time Pool Owners

Pools are a perfect place to spend some leisure time and chill. However, pool areas require high maintenance to keep it clean, healthy and a safer space to swim in. If you are building a new pool or getting a home with existing pool in the backyard, it is very important to know the functioning method and cleaning process of swimming pools. This will not only keep the pool usable for now bur also benefit you with long-term smooth functioning. A well-informed pool owner will usually not face any problem and in case of any will know the perfect pool professional to contact.

Here’s are few simple steps to keep a pool operational:


It is highly important to maintain the pool chemistry by ensuring all the components are at a specified limit. If the balance is disrupted this may cause various problems such as corrosion of metal surfaces. Untreated or unsanitized pool water can also cause health issues as it will allow breeding of various harmful bacteria and germs. It can also cause infections such as ‘swimmers ear’. Three factors are responsible for maintaining the sanitization of the pool water – pH level, Alkalinity, Calcium.

However, prior to adding any chemical products to enhance the balance it is very important to test the water quality. The testing can either be performed using a simple kit or you can also take samples of the water to a professional pool maintenance company.


As swimming pools are prone to encounter dirt and other contaminants all the time, a functional filtration system to crucial to purify the water and also block breeding of any harmful waterborne bacteria. The filtration system in pools involve a pump and a filter that efficiently clears the water. Lack of filtration may lead to accumulation of suspended particles that create a uncomfortable and unhealthy condition. These suspensions may be anything from dust, mineral salts to algae and other substances.


Proper cleansing and purification of the swimming pools form a major part of its maintenance process. It involves various essential steps, including clearing the skimmer basket, collecting leaves or other visible suspended debris, scrubbing off algae formation from the pool’s interior walls and powerful vacuuming to expel debris.

Regular cleaning is the best solution to maintain the pool crystal clear and healthy. If you wish to get a professional pool maintenance provider like 800 Repair, then it will definitely benefit you on a longer run.

With this basic information on pool maintenance you can ensure the swimming pools are properly taken care of. Various professional pool care companies use powerful and high-quality products to clean the swimming pools for maintaining it in good condition.

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